Targeted Whale Shark Clan

After Lu Yuan brought Li Qing back to the Sea-suppressing Tower, the tower began emitting a gentle power of the Eternal Sea to heal Li Qing.

Lu Yuan was surprised. This Sea-suppressing Tower had quite a lot of functions.

Then, Lu Yuan used seventeen flashes of the Eternal Sea to arrive outside the City Lord's residence. Today's news had to be reported to the City Lord. Any random Dragon Race member was already level 65, so what would their leader be like?

Wouldn't he be at least level 75? At this moment, just thinking about it sent chills down Lu Yuan's spine. Level 75! In this game, it could definitely be considered a high level!

Right now, Lu Yuan was only a level 40-plus small fry. Against a level 75 big shot, he would definitely be wiped out in an instant!

Lu Yuan said to the guard at the door, "I want to go in and see the City Lord!"