Before the Great War

As these imprints entered, Lu Yuan felt that his affinity with the entire Eternal Sea City was constantly increasing!

Lu Yuan knew that Eternal Sea City had acknowledged him!

It seemed that his efforts during this period had not been in vain!

Following that, the City Lord directly issued an order, announcing that Lu Yuan would be the next City Lord!

At this moment, the City Lord of Eternal Sea said to Lu Yuan and the other Eternal Sea Guardians, "Let's call it a day!"

"Everyone, go back and get ready for battle!"

The few Eternal Sea Guardians left one after another, leaving only Lu Yuan behind!

At this moment, the City Lord of Eternal Sea slowly said to Lu Yuan, "Kid, I've chosen you to be the next City Lord. I hope you can lead Eternal Sea better!"

"Eternal City needs a powerful City Lord, and you, kid, is just the right one!"