Seven Swords

"Eternal Sea Seven Swords, sixth sword! ! !"

"Sword Arrow! ! !"

In an instant, the sword in the hand of the Eternal Sea City Lord turned golden and directly flew out of his hand!

Like an arrow leaving the bowstring, it followed the sound and slashed towards the dragon head!


At this moment, the terrifying energy in the mouth of the dragon's head had already been fully charged up. Following that, incomparably terrifying energy shot out from the dragon's head!


The Golden Treasure Sword went against the energy light pillar and directly pierced through the dragon head!

At this moment, Lin Ya's eyes pupils instantly shrunk. This sword was too terrifying!

It had pierced through his giant dragon head in an instant!


Just as Lin Ya was still in shock, the Golden Treasure Sword had already arrived in front of him. At this moment, his body had instantly turned illusory!