Taking Back the Mineral Vein

After Lu Yuan arrived at the Gold Spirit City Lord's Mansion, he saw a small soldier who was sending a message hurriedly ran towards the main hall of the mansion!

Lu Yuan knew that this was a mission!

Following that, Lu Yuan followed the small soldier and the two of them quickly arrived at the main hall of the City Lord's mansion. The small soldier who was sending the message anxiously said to the Gold Spirit City Lord, "City Lord! This is bad!"

"The people of Water Spirit City suddenly barged into our Gold Spirit City's mineral vein. They even said that this mineral vein will belong to them in the future!"

"If the people of Gold Spirit City dare to touch the mineral vein again, they will start an all-out war with our Gold Spirit City!"

"Moreover, they even injured the people of our Gold Spirit City!"

After the little soldier finished speaking, Lu Yuan understood that in the territory of Gold Spirit City, there was the most mineral vein!