The Journey Had Just Begun!

Lu Yuan's powerful voice fell.

Everyone felt it and their blood boiled!

The blood in their bodies was boiling hot!

God slaughtering!

This man who stood at the peak of humanity had officially issued a challenge to the gods in the sky!

This was a decisive battle between the real world and the game world!

Lu Yuan carried the hope of all humanity on his shoulders!

It could be said that Lu Yuan was the last ray of hope for mankind!

Ruthless and terrifying frost spread from Lu Yuan's body!

Icicle after icicle rose from the ground!

They shot straight to the gods in the sky!

"D*mn, as expected of Lu Yuan!"

"He declared war on the gods in the sky!"

"Mankind will win for sure, and the gods will have to pay the price!"

"Our human race has existed for ten thousand years, how can this small game world challenge us!"

"Lu Yuan, go slaughter the gods!!!"

The players all shouted excitedly!