The Requirement for the Voice in the Golden Feather

"Asking for help? What did you hear?" Ye Chen asked quickly.

From what he heard, there were only some mixed roars in the golden feather. He couldn't hear a single word that could be understood. However, from Monkey's words, the voice here should be conveying a clear meaning.

"I heard a particularly loud voice screaming for help. It said that it wanted to be released and it sounded like Senior Zhurong," Monkey replied. "However, there were many other words that were muffled. I couldn't hear them clearly."

Ye Chen thought for a moment.

"Listen carefully again. I feel like the voice in the golden feather will have a big effect," he said to Monkey.

"What effect would a cry for help have? Isn't it the cry for help stored inside after Senior Zhurong failed to reach Nirvana?" the Immortal Phoenix asked curiously. "Other than that, I really can't think of any other situation that can make Senior Zhurong suffer so much."