Silver Threads in the Pool

"Master, look. What's that thing sticking out of the stone pillar?" Little Purple asked Ye Chen in a muffled voice as it dived into the water with the Snow Soul Pearl in its mouth. It pointed at the bottom of the pool with its long tail.

The stone pillar was erected at the center of the pool and it seemed to have been arranged this way. This was because many silver tentacles had appeared in the dark water.

"I can't see it clearly. Little Purple, get closer." Ye Chen could only see a ball of silver light at the bottom of the water, but he couldn't determine what it was. He could only let Little Purple get closer.

However, Little Purple refused. "Master, do you really want me to go down?" It asked seriously. "The bottom of the pool is filled with silver tentacles. Are they really safe?"

"They're all silver tentacles? Can you describe them in more detail?" Ye Chen asked.