Chaotic Press Conference

The reporters had always been people who only cared about the popularity of the news and wanted nothing more than to see the world burn. They had no intention of covering up for Yu Yao at all. Instead, they deliberately aimed the camera connected to the livestream at the unbearable photos on the tablet screen.

After the comments on the livestream went blank for a moment, then comments began popping up and densely covering the screen. The netizens were momentarily at a loss and didn't even know what kind of reaction to give, just filling the screen with exclamation marks.

After a long while, someone finally began commenting.

"Heavens, is this real? Yu Yao is so wild!"

"Wasn't it just revealed a while ago that her ex-boyfriend used her nude photos and videos to blackmail her? Seems like she's quite kinky in private…"

"If Yu Jue has a sister like this, he can't be a good person himself, can he?"