Company Meeting

After discussing how to deal with the crisis of public opinion brought by Yu Wan, Yu Lang and Yu Heng took action.

Yu Wan's phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and revealed a mocking smile.

This was the first time Yu Lang had taken the initiative to call her in the past few months. If not for the controversy online, this brother probably would not have remembered that he had her as a sister.

When she picked up the phone, Yu Wan's tone was as affectionate as usual, even carrying a hint of surprise. "Brother? I missed you so much. You finally have time to contact me."

"Come to the office when you have time. I have something to discuss with you."

Yu Lang's tone was businesslike, and Yu Wan could not tell if he was happy or angry. She could not understand Yu Lang's thoughts, so she did not dare to deliberately leave him hanging. After thinking for a moment, she said, "I have time this afternoon. What's the matter, Eldest Brother?"