I Forgive You

After the police accepted the case regarding the mental hospital, in order not to alert the enemy, they pretended nothing was wrong.

The task force's office was located in a two-storey residential building not far from the mental hospital. One could see the door of the mental hospital from a certain room, and this room became the place where the task force monitored the mental hospital.

Yu Yao found Yu Lang in this room.

There was a very strong smell of smoke in the room, and Yu Lang was also holding a burning cigarette.

Hearing the door open, Yu Lang turned around and his gaze landed lightly on Yu Yao.

His eyes were bloodshot, and his hair was hanging messily on his forehead, as if he had aged a few years.

Yu Lang was clearly in a daze. He stared at Yu Yao for a long time before realizing who she was.

He reflexively smiled at Yu Yao. Yu Lang instinctively wanted to show his good side in front of his sister. "Yaoyao, why are you here?"