The First Present

The person's gaze was light and felt very similar to his entire person. They both had a sense of levitation that was at odds with the world.

He smiled when he saw Yu Yao and Yu Lang's faces clearly, as if he had seen a familiar good friend.

However, his gaze was more on Yu Yao.

His long, pale fingers gently tapped his chin as he smiled and mouthed something to Yu Yao…

Yu Yao's body instantly stiffened. She could clearly see that the person was saying, "Do you like the first gift?"

Sure enough, he was definitely one of those bastards from that organization. And he had a high status and cared a lot about her—the A3 who had disguised himself and discussed Internet technology with her!

Yu Yao charged at him. "You bastard! You planned that terrorist attack, right?!"