Plane Crash

A plane crash?

When this word entered his ears, Yu Jue's head buzzed. For a few seconds, he couldn't hear anything from the outside world.

When he realized what the news meant, he froze on the spot. He grabbed Sister Xu's arm tightly and stared at her intently. "If it was another flight, you wouldn't tell me with such an attitude. So, the one who got into trouble was the one my parents took, right?"

Sister Xu and Yu Jue interacted with each other every day. On the surface, the two of them were superior and subordinate, but Sister Xu had long treated Yu Jue as a friend and sometimes even treated him as a younger brother.

This news was too cruel to Yu Jue. She nodded painfully. Ignoring the pain in her arm from the grip, she held onto Yu Jue to prevent him from fainting.

"Yu Jue, calm down. We haven't received any concrete news yet. There might be survivors. Perhaps Uncle and Auntie are blessed by the heavens and will be fine?"