What She Cared Most About

Yu Lang, Yu Heng, and Yu Jue knew that this was just Chen Lin venting her emotions without thinking, so they didn't have any ill feelings in their hearts. On the contrary, they agreed with Chen Lin's words. Why was it that the one that was abducted back then was the young and weak Yu Yao?

If it were any of them who were already sensible and older, they would have thought of ways to protect themselves and found an opportunity to contact their family. Then, their sister would not have to endure so much pain and ended up jumping off a building to commit suicide, dying without an intact corpse…

Ever since they were reborn, Yu Lang, Yu Heng, and Yu Jue were constantly in pain and regret. They once thought that their regret was deep enough, but at this moment, they realized that the thoughts and promises they had made in the past were simply not enough. No matter how hard they tried, they could not make up for the harm that Yu Yao had once suffered.