
"You don't care about me, your brother. Don't you care about Mom's feelings too? She has always taught us to be kind. If she finds out what you've done, she'll definitely be sad…"

"I told you not to mention Mom again!" A3 suddenly pulled out another pistol from his waist and fired continuously in Qiao Liang's direction. As he fired, he walked forward and fearlessly walked into the police's encirclement. The police were already prepared and rushed forward to control A3.

Qiao Lian watched as Qiao Lin was brought into the police car by the police. For a moment, he didn't move. He stood where he was and slowly smoked a cigarette. He looked up at the clouds in the sky, as if he had seen his mother, who was always relatively gentle and approachable in his memory.

"Mom, I've finally found Qiao Lin, but I seem to have lost him forever…"