I'll Keep That In Mind

"I was lonely without you too," Daisy admitted. "You're the only person who gets me."

Back in Cloverfield, most people expected her to act like Veronica so she measured everything she said and did around them. Things were different with Ira but he was such an independent kid that he didn't engage with her the same way Leo had or even close.

Being surrounded by people but still feeling lonely was terrible. She had felt it all her life until she met him. He was the only person she didn't feel lonely around.

Leo smiled and caressed her face. "Well, neither of us have to be lonely anymore. Unfortunately, I do have some paperwork to finish but I can take you home on my lunch break so you can start getting settled in."

"That's fine!" Daisy reassured him.

As he got back to work, she wondered briefly why he had touched her face like that but figured it must be because they had been apart so long and he needed proof she was here. Like he thought she would disappear any moment.

She noticed him frequently glancing up at her while he worked and she looked around the office, curious about the place where he spent so much time. It was a small room with a desk and two chairs in it and one window but that was it. Decorations weren't terribly common in this world anyway but there were none at all in the military building that she had seen.

"Leo, are you even getting any work done?" Daisy asked after the two-dozenth time he peeked up at her.

She was still sitting on the edge of the desk kicking her feet lightly because she was bored. She could practically feel the intensity of his stare so she couldn't resist calling him out on it.

He sighed. "Not really. I still can't believe you're actually here."

"You need to focus! I don't want you to get in trouble because of me. Would it help if I sat on the ground in front of the desk so you couldn't see me?"

"…I would still know you were there. It's fine. I'll take my lunch early and get you settled in so I can refocus when I get back. I'll get your trunks. I don't live far from here; all the officers have houses near the compound so we can be contacted easily in case of emergencies."

Leo took the trunks and Daisy followed him across the training grounds and out a gate on the far side of the compound. His house was one of a row of identical ones meant for officers on a cobbled street.

He unlocked the front door and took her trunks up the stairs to a room on the second floor. She barely had time to look around on her way up but when she got there she noticed that this room was much nicer than the one she had left behind.

It had a four-poster bed with curtains patterned with flowers, a night stand, a desk, and a large wardrobe. The wallpaper was also patterned with flowers, though it was different than the curtains. The ones around the bed matched the ones on the window. Overall, the room gave off a cheerful feeling.

"You prepared all of this for me?" Daisy asked feeling a surge of appreciation for him.

Leo nodded and scratched the back of his neck a bit sheepishly. "I wanted you to like it here. Do you?"

"Of course! This room is so cute!"

"Good. Just so you know, the bathroom is the next room on the right and my room is across the hall up here. The spare room is empty right now but if you want to put things in there over time, you can.

"The kitchen is fully stocked and we do have a small yard out back so I'm sure you'll be able to grow a few fruits or vegetables if you really wanted to. I know how much you like having things fresh. Someday I'll be sure to get us a place with more space for that."

Daisy smiled. Look at him worrying over her adjusting!

"I'll be fine, Leo! I'm sure someone somewhere will be able to tell me how to get a hold of some seeds. Worst case scenario, I pick them out myself the next time I eat a tomato or something."

"Alright. I do have to get back but I can have a quick lunch with you first. I'll make us some sandwiches, though I'm sure they won't be nearly as good as yours," he said as he walked into the kitchen.

The sandwiches were made on slightly stale bread with vegetables and cheese that had obviously been bought in town. She inwardly sighed. Fresh foods had truly spoiled her but this was fine. At the very least, she should be able to bake her own bread now so that was fresh.

Daisy thanked him and gave him one more hug before he headed out. "I'm going to unpack and maybe go out in search of some seeds and supplies to get planting but I should be here by the time you're done with work for the day."

Leo nodded. "Be sure to get some rest if you need it. I know how exhausting traveling is."

"I will! See you later!"

He headed out and she went upstairs to put her clothes in the wardrobe and find a place to put the blankets she would need come winter. Then she neatly slid her empty trunks under the bed and decided to go to the flower shop where she would be working. They would probably know where she could get some seeds.

Daisy had to walk quite a while to get to the flower shop now that she had to go all the way around the military compound rather than cutting through it. She took note of that for future commuting purposes unless she would be able to take a shortcut with Leo in the mornings.

She didn't mind though. It was a nice day with a breeze going. Stretching her legs felt good after being on a cart most of the day.

When she arrived at the shop, she saw Nia wrapping up a bouquet for a customer. Her eyes lit up when she spotted Daisy and she smiled in acknowledgement before finishing what she was doing. Then she came over and greeted her rather enthusiastically.

"Veronica! It's so nice to see you. I wasn't expecting you this soon. When did you arrive?"

"Today," Daisy admitted. "I was feeling restless after unpacking and hoped you might tell me where I can find some seeds. I want to plant tomatoes, strawberries, carrots, beans, cucumbers, peas, and some herbs in my yard at minimum."

"Ooh, you have a yard in this city?"

"Yeah. It's not much but it should be enough to plant things in for two people. I'm used to having fresh vegetables to make things with so…"

"Two people?" Nia asked curiously. "Is the other that tall man you were with when I first met you? He was the one who brought me your letter too, telling me you were planning on moving here and asking if the job offer still stood."

Daisy nodded. "Yeah."

"He's pretty handsome! Is he your husband? I notice you're wearing a ring."

"He's my fiancé."

"When's the wedding? I'd be happy to do the flower arrangements for you!" Nia chirped, clapping her hands together in excitement.

"…I'll get back to you on that," Daisy said lamely. "We've been apart for our whole engagement so we haven't had time to figure things like that out."

This was a problem she had forgotten about with all of the other things going on. What was she supposed to do about this? Everyone in the military thought Leo was engaged too. Back in the beginning, she had put off worrying about what would happen after her "fiancé" was no longer an absentee one because it was so far away. Now that it was staring her in the face, she wasn't sure what she was supposed to do about it.

"Ah, that makes sense. I'd get on it if I were you. People will talk if you live together without being married for long," Nia advised.

"I'll keep that in mind."

Ridiculous. Daisy and Leo had lived together for years back in Cloverfield and no one had cared! Aside from jealous would-be suitors who called her nasty names…maybe people had cared more than she thought.

But so what? The people here were so backward! Their relationship wasn't even like that. They had been living like siblings all this time aside from a few expressions of affection that went beyond that when other people were watching.

Daisy's face heated when she remembered that kiss the day Leo heard he was going off to war. Why did that have to crop up in her subconscious now?

She pushed it aside and changed the subject so she could talk to Nia about those seeds, what supplies she would need for a garden here in the capital, and when she would start work. She was generously given a week to adjust to being here before starting, which would give her plenty of time to plant and figure out where everything was around here.