You Have A Good Heart

Rukelion's fears came to pass two days after they finished harvesting the peas. The Silver Wolves, Golden Eagles, and Black Dragons were being sent off to help with several other mid-level squads to fight in the war with Zel. And he was staying behind.

"I'll be fine, May! Don't worry about me," Conrad tried reassuring him to no avail.

"No, you won't! The last time you went against a mage you nearly died. The only reason you didn't was because I intervened but I won't be there this time. What am I supposed to do if you all die?" he demanded.

"Aww, you really do love us!"


"I know, I know. I get that you're worried about all of our hard work going down the drain but everyone is a second-rank soldier or above. We're all perfectly capable of handling ourselves, especially with the additional years of training under your leadership.