How Would You Even Know About That?

Juliet hated that she had to wait until her next day off to warn Veronica about her husband but there was nothing she could do about it. She needed her job if she was going to make it to Ripore Academy to recruit her protagonists. 

She thought she might go insane being stuck in the stuffy laundry room unable to breathe so much as a word of what she had found out to anyone. The only person she could potentially talk to about the villain of her novel advancing his plans was said villain's wife. Who loved him very much. 

She needed to approach this delicately while still managing to get how urgent the situation was across. How she was going to do that…she wasn't entirely sure. 

Juliet had spent the better part of the last several days trying to figure it out and had yet to reach a satisfactory conclusion. She had run a variety of scenarios through her head and each was worse than the last.