Please Help Her!

Ira was relieved about Miss Veronica's improved stamina post letter but it didn't last long. The next day, she seemed more tired than before though her cheerfulness didn't fade and when they had breakfast together before he was supposed to go to work she threw up without warning. 

He immediately began to panic, flashing back to when his parents got sick. One of their first symptoms was vomiting as well and they kept doing it until they wasted away from dehydration and malnutrition since they couldn't keep anything down.

"Miss Veronica! I need to get you to a doctor!" 

Thankfully, years of farm chores had made him strong enough to carry her, though she protested that she didn't need that. Especially since he carried her all the way to the infirmary at the academy, which was quite a distance away. 

Ira didn't care about that. She was so small that she wasn't terribly heavy to begin with and he needed to get her seen as soon as possible!