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Daisy didn't know the first thing about being a queen in a fantasy world. She had never signed up for this and she hadn't exactly been the type of person to read fantasy novels back home so she had no idea what she was supposed to do. 

All she did know was that she wasn't nearly prim and proper enough for this based on what little she had seen of the Queen of England in the news. What was she supposed to do?

She had been so preoccupied with what Rukelion had done earlier that she hadn't thought much about the logistics of being the actual queen of this country now. She had a job! She didn't want to leave Miette in the lurch but doubted she would be allowed to set foot out of the castle without guards, especially now that she was pregnant. 

Her poor husband had already been having nightmares about her dying. His overprotectiveness was going to get so much worse; she could already tell. She didn't want him to be stressed but what about living her life?!