Can You Promise To Keep This Between Us?

Juliet kept an eye on those two more than she already had been after hearing what Ciara had to say but she still had no idea what they were actually up to. There was no way of knowing what they were planning but she did notice something rather suspicious the following Thursday. 

Sarabeth was in one of her literature classes that day and she put on a dramatic show about having her stomach hurt so she could go to the nurse's office. As someone who used to employ such tactics to get out of things herself, Juliet could see through it in an instant. But because the rest of the class was watching and seemed to be falling for it, she had to let the girl go. 

She was dying to know what Sarabeth was up to but didn't have the slightest idea where she might be going. It was doubtful that Ira would ditch a class but especially not Magical Theory, which was what he had right now.