She Sounds Really Nice

Ciara tilted her head and regarded Ira with such deep, dark eyes that he felt they were staring into his soul. "What kind of project?"

Why was she being so persistent?! Though when he thought about it, this could potentially be a good thing. He didn't know how trustworthy she was but she did have powerful magic. They could really use her help. 

Professor Lucien had specifically said not to talk to anyone about this though, barely giving permission for him to tell Sarabeth. He wasn't sure he would be able to get away with telling someone else even if it was someone potentially useful. 

"A secret one," Ira said lamely. "I'd like to tell you but I'd need permission first."

"From Sarabeth?" Ciara asked in an unfathomable tone. 

"No, from Professor Lucien."

A look of vague surprise crossed her face. "Why would he tell you to keep your project a secret?"

"…you'll have to ask him."

"Very well then."