He Hated That

"What are you talking about? You can still be yourself!" Rukelion insisted. 

Daisy shook her head vehemently. "No, I can't. Because in my own house, I'd be able to bake while singing to myself and not having a dozen servants breathing down my neck asking if I need help.

"I'd be able to wear my pajamas and walk around when I'm too lazy to get dressed, go to the market by myself, and visit my friends without things being so stilted. I can't be myself under these conditions. I'm not like you—I didn't grow up in a castle! I never even lived in the same house for more than two years before the farm!

"I've gotten used to a lot of different difficult situations over the years but this one takes the cake. I doubt I'll ever get used to it. And what about when the baby comes? Am I even going to be able to raise our child in peace or will people be following me everywhere I go then too?"