More Drastic Measures

Ira couldn't even be bothered about sharing a tent with the snoring Nico that night. He was too happy about his conversation with Ciara earlier. He truly would love to introduce her to Miss Veronica. He was certain they would like each other. 

Unfortunately, that happiness had all leaked away by morning. He was nervous about what they were going to do. Professors Gallagher and Lucien had gone over the plan with them in extensive detail in the last few hours of their journey and they all had it down by heart by the time they arrived in the capital. 

They checked into their rooms in the boardinghouse before Juliet ordered everyone to stay put except Ciara, who would sneak into the palace gates with someone else who had permission to get in using her shadow cloaking technique. 

She had been given explicit instructions to follow the man with red hair around. Professor Gallagher said she couldn't possibly miss him.