What If She Was Right?

Rukelion's heart sunk. Daisy…really believed in him. More than she should. 

"Daisy…what if she was right?"

Her eyebrows rose fractionally. "Are you planning on burning the world to the ground?!"

"No! Of course not! But I…there are things I've done…things I never wanted you to know about. You wouldn't think I was as good as you do if you knew some of the things I did to get here," he confessed, unable to keep it a secret from her any longer. 

"Oh. Like what?"

Daisy was taking this much more calmly than Rukelion would have expected. Was it normal to be this calm hearing that your husband wasn't the person you thought he was? Because it had happened twice now and she hadn't freaked out very much either time. She must have nerves of steel. 

"Well, there was what that girl said earlier. I DID kill Veese. Personally. Because he had been involved in the slaughter of Katalya and spoke so casually of it when we were on the way to Aveleen.