The Worst Possible Luck

Daisy Miller woke up with a gasp. Where was she? What was going on? And why on earth was she crying?

She noticed the physical sensations of something being wrong first. She had something on her face under her nose, on her hand, and wrapped around her leg and one of her arms. She was also in a lot of pain when she tried to move.

'What happened to me?' she thought, unable to speak. 

Her vision was a bit blurry at first but as it cleared she realized she was in a hospital bed hooked up to a bunch of machines. She was attached to a ventilator and an IV drip and had casts on her left arm and leg. 

Was the pain why she was crying? She had never been the type to cry over an injury though. There hadn't been anyone who cared when she got hurt so there hadn't been a point.