Not Truly With Her

Daisy went to pick Leo up the following morning and noticed he had something folded in his arms that he stuck in the backseat. "What's that?"

"Pajamas. If you're going to be comfortable later, I may as well be too. Do you mind?"

She shook her head. How could she mind when she had started it? It was rather perplexing though. He had no qualms whatsoever about making himself right at home, did he? What kind of weirdo had she gotten saddled with? 

Daisy really didn't know much about him. She knew he had been a military brat, his entire family was dead, he had most recently lived in Pittsburgh before here, a few foods he liked, and his reading preferences. That wasn't much to go off of trying to figure him out. 

To be fair, she hadn't given him much to work with either. He knew she had moved houses a lot but didn't know she had been a foster kid. Or homeless.