Why Would I Joke About That?

Rukelion wanted to ask Daisy what she meant but didn't get the chance because a doctor came in to check on him, asking a ton of questions about his medical history and the symptoms he had experienced during his reaction. His hands shook answering that because his wife had been forced to go through the same thing but hadn't survived it.

He swiveled his head to look at her and saw that she still had tear tracks glistening on her cheeks as she sat there quietly listening to their conversation. She hadn't let go of his hand except when the doctor needed to examine him. 

After what seemed like forever, the doctor let him go, gave him discharge instructions and told him to come back if he experienced certain symptoms, and gave him a prescription for what had been injected into his leg. Apparently, he needed to carry one of those on him at all times now in case he encountered peanuts again.