Your Case Is Unique

Rukelion's honesty had drained him but he wasn't as miserable as he usually was after therapy because he came home and Daisy greeted him with a hug, a kiss, and a warm brownie. The reminder that she was finally his in some capacity again calmed his troubled heart somewhat. 

Therapy only got worse after he had been a little honest because Amy expected more and more out of him. Mostly she asked him about his memories with his family but after a few weeks, she began asking him about the day he lost them specifically.

He repeated that he couldn't tell her so she switched tacks. "Okay, you can't tell me. What about afterward? You mentioned the majority of your symptoms didn't occur until years later. Why was that?"

"Because I had a goal," Rukelion admitted. "I was willing to endure anything in order to accomplish it." 

"And this goal resulted in meeting your family's killer again," Amy surmised.