He Would Never Talk

Daisy continued reading her book on the other side of the couch until Rukelion finished his paper. He finished it later than he had hoped because he was having a hard time focusing but eventually they were able to watch that movie. 

Her focus didn't seem as keen as usual either. What had she been reading that her head was still there? 

They sat side by side on the couch with his arm around her and she didn't seem to be paying much more attention to the movie than he was until she suddenly screamed and jumped into his lap out of nowhere. He was immediately on alert. Why had she done that? 

"What is it?" Rukelion asked urgently as he assumed a defensive stance on his feet shielding her with one arm. 

"I HATE jump scares!" Daisy said wildly as she clutched her heart. "One of these days, they're going to give me a heart attack!"