Did The Same Rules Apply?

"Why do you think that?" Amy asked. 

Rukelion picked at a string sticking out of his hoodie sleeve. "Because Conrad knew better than anyone how much I needed Daisy. That she was my light. He used to say she was good for me since she was able to get me to stop being so serious all the time. Losing her would destroy me. He knew that." 

He knew his friend. Conrad was a good person. A forgiving one. The kind to give people second chances. 

He may have been frustrated being left with all of the work Rukelion couldn't do anymore but he probably would have taken it in stride. He doubted Conrad would want to be king himself. He probably set up some sort of system where the common people had more power. 

"If you think he would have forgiven you then why are you still blaming yourself?" 

Amy's question threw Rukelion off. He didn't know how to answer it. Just because someone is too soft doesn't mean you should take advantage of them, does it?