Yeah, Don't Do That

Daisy was not happy when her maternity leave ended. She didn't want to leave Roselia but she didn't have any other choice. Rukelion found the best-rated daycare within their budget after some intense research and she saw her baby off on the first day  with a heavy heart. 

It didn't get much easier than that. Leaving her was hard, working while being exhausted was harder, and dealing with her husband's fussing was hardest. 

About to lose her mind, she began to look into work-from-home options. After three miserable months, she found something that paid a bit less than her current job but that would be made up for by the lack of daycare expenses. 

Working from home brought other challenges, like trying to concentrate when the baby needed to be cared for, but at least she was able to send Rukelion the updates he wanted so he didn't freak out. She had never encountered such a concerned parent in her life!