Don't Bring That Book Up

"Are you that upset with me?" Rukelion asked quietly. 

Daisy sighed and sat up to face him. "This has been going on for a long time. I'm not upset WITH you as much as I'm upset FOR you. You deserve better. I don't want you to hate it here since you gave up everything to follow me."

"I don't hate it here. What gave you that idea?"

"But you're so stressed all the time!" 

"I would have been equally stressed back in the castle. Perhaps even more so. Honestly, what happened was horrible but it was probably for the best." 

She goggled at him. "When did you come to that conclusion?!"

"I don't know…not long after we moved here? It hit me one day when we were gardening together that we never would have been able to have that sort of simple family togetherness if I was still king," he said with a shrug.