What's Eating You?

Roselia Blaze had a happy childhood. She had two parents who loved her deeply, was close with her sister, and adored her brothers. She also had an insatiable desire to know everything. 

She tried to ignore it when she knew it wasn't a good idea. Sometimes she managed to pull it off. But others…

She tried so hard to do what her mom said. To let go of the fact that her dad was a villain in a book. It seemed so unbelievable since he had never been anything but kind and loving toward his family. But the older she got, the more difficult it became to suppress her curiosity. 

By the time she was fourteen, he declared her an expert at fire magic and said there was nothing more he could teach her. She wanted to believe him but wasn't sure she did. 

The things he taught her and her siblings seemed so…basic. Not at all villain standard. Could someone truly be considered a villain if they weren't powerful?