
First mission

It's been one month since I've been training every day. I wonder how I am still alive, even after all of that. I could see my progress. I gained some more strenght and my aim got better (now my aim is just like cancer, it can kill now).

I was just wasting time in my room, when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

It was Hikari.

"Oh, hey!"

"How are you doing? I guess you're already used to this kind of training, and you have improved quite a lot."

"Thanks, you're pretty much the reason why."

"Glad to see I could help. Anyway, I'll cut to the chase now. You're ready to go out as a field agent, and this is why I came here today. You've been asigned to a mission. It's quite an easy one, just some scouting, you know, keeping that organisation in check."

I was pumped up. It was my first mission. I just hoped I wouldn't fuck it up.

"Am I going alone?"

"No, you've got a teammate. I think you remember Katsu. He's pretty much al healed up, so you'll go together. Get ready now, you're going out today."


I stood up, grabbed a few things and went out. I followed Hikari to the place where Katsu was. It was the first time we met in a more formal manner.

We entered a cold room, but what made it stand out was that it was full of weapons. Katsu was standing in the middle of the room. He's a tall guy, pretty buff, good looking. His green eyes stood out, and it felt like they went perfect with his short black hair.

"Good to see you, Akira. First, I want to thank you for saving me. I think those bastard would have killed me if you weren't there."

"I'm glad that you're fine. Now, I want to ask, just how many guns do we need, since we are here, in a room full of guns?"

"We won't take anything big, just two pistols with silencers and a few magazines."

It sounded like we won't have a lot to do. Perfect for a first mission.

"Akira, you ready? We're going out."

"I grabbed the supplies and went out with Katsu, but before that we changed clothes to something that won't stand out.

In 10 minutes we were in the middle of the city.

"What are we suposed to do now?"

"For now we have to look around for any weird activity. I guess you know about the tattooed guys. They are the ones who stir up problems."

"So we take care of those guys."

"Only if they are doing something fishy, otherwise we'll let them be. Oh, and one thing I need to tell you. The tattooes have numbers underneath them. Think about them as some rank in their organisation. If you spot one with a number bigger than 100, run."

"Are they that dangerous?"

"Yes, very dangerous. Those guys could take down 10 guys like us with just a knife."

Well, that made me feel uneasy.

"Will we be able to run away?"

"I hope so. Well, time to move. Just try to act normal."

We started walking around town, looking mostly in shady alleys. We found everything you could find in those places, but there was no trace of one of our targets.

"Damn, I didn't expect this to be so boring."

"Be glad we don't have to run away from 5 or 6 of those guys."

"True, true..."

We both sat on a bench in a park. I wasn't tired, mostly because this scouting mission was nothing compared to my training. I was looking around, watching people as they were either playing with their kids, or just walking their dogs. Out of nowhere, I just saw it. A clock tattoo on a guy's neck. What made me shit my pants was the number, 103.

"Katsu, we're about to get fucked."


"One of our guys, number 103."