The Fish And The Fisherman

Tasia nodded in understanding. Then, Hadyan immediately walked away.

A beautiful, graceful woman suddenly appeared and stood at the side of the silver fountain. She glanced briefly at Tasia's figure who was sitting alone by the pond with her back to her. Lady Sri approached her to just have a little talk and get to know her favourite prince's idol.

"The sun is already shining. But it still looks dim on your pretty face, Lady Anastasia."

Tasia suddenly stood up and turned around when she heard the soft, light sound that heard just like classical lullaby music.

"Oh my God.." She was shocked in stiffly, confused about what to do.

"Don't feel awkward towards me, Lady. You are the love of Prince Hadyan's heart. You are his friend. Likewise, you are my friend too." She smiled gently as directed Tasia to sit back down while she sat together with her on the edge of the silver pool.