
Tasia's mind had all sorts of plans. She couldn't sleep peacefully. Apart from the floor which she slept on was so hard that it made her shiver cold, the sound of wailing from the prisoners in the other cells was like a nightmare that haunted her sleep. She must gather allies to launch her escape plan. She was sure the other people thought the same thing. They must also want to get out of this terrible place.

"What's on your mind, girl?" Tasia turned her body. An old woman was looking at her, in a lying position.

Tasia felt bad and felt sorry for the old woman. With her old frail body, she had to endure a heavy ordeal in this place. Seeing her, Tasia instantly reminded of her dead grandmother.

She was still lying down, not daring to get up because sometimes the guards would walk past with their feet sound creeping them.

"Ma'am, do you want to get out of this place?" Tasia whispered.