
The sky was shining again. The rocks that Tasia had broken were uncounted. Her hands were covered in cuts and bruises. Her face was covered in dust and grit that stuck to her dried sweat. The sandals she used to wear had disappeared somewhere, so she had to work and walk with bare feet until her feet soles bleed from keeping stand on sharp pebbles.

This morning, Tasia would not sleep. She would escape, released from the torture in this crazy place. Whether it was stale rice or fish infested with maggots, Tasia didn't care anymore. Like the other captives, she felt extremely hungry and thirsty. They were only given food once a day. If they could choose, they would choose to die. But unfortunately, their souls were already contracted and they would not be able to perish until the person who sacrificed them had died.

"Ms Anna!" Tasia silently shook the sleeping old woman's back.