Two Fiery Red Eyes

Hadyan stood on the front deck of the ship side by side with the captain in the form of a great ape with a fiery red face. Hadyan felt something unusual with the arrival of the sea storm. Even so, with his power, he could stabilize the ship's wobble so they didn't have to go down into the ocean which would increase the risk of contact with the enemy.

"We can arrive and enter the king of Marda's border tomorrow." The captain said.

Hadyan nodded. He could not wait to get to safe waters because he was very worried about his consort. She was bored to death and Hadyan was sure that both of her legs couldn't wait any longer to get out.

"Speed ​​up the ship," Hadyan commanded.

"Very well, Your Majesty." The captain answered.

Hadyan stepped inside the boat to see what Tasia was doing. He opened the bedroom door and found she was reading a book while munching on a piece of bread.