They are Coming

The news that Lady Sri would soon come was a blow of fresh air in Tasia's ears. If it was true that the kind and gentle woman would take care of her until she gave birth, that would surely heal the nervousness in her heart. Tasia also wouldn't feel bad because she didn't have to bother Hadyan too much.

Come to think of it, after the various events that Hadyan and Tasia went through during Tasia's pregnancy. Now they seem to be able to handle everything alone. Hadyan and Tasia were afraid when Lady Sri left them at that time. But it turned out that they could find their own way out by working together.

"I'm so excited! I will tell many things to Lady Sri. I think she'll be surprised when she saw my current form." Tasia giggled.

"The ladies-in-waiting will come in." Hadyan turned to the door.