
City Y Women's correctional institute....

When the giant doors of the prison gates opened, a curvy Latino figure emerged out, holding a black large bag. She was dressed in a black outfit and half of her face was covered in the hood over her head.

When she looked up after exiting the gates, she felt the sun shining right into her face. Her lips curved up pleasantly. She looked ahead and saw a slender figure waving at her.

''Ozge'' the lady looked excited, seeing the other person walking towards her. Even though the other person didn't show much emotions, it didn't turn her off and she even went ahead to hug her.

''My darling is finally out'' the lady said after hugging her. She turned and opened the backseat and picked a pack of tofu for her.

''Eat this, let's expel the bad luck before we go home''

Ozge took the tofu without much hesitation and ate all of it. She collected the water bottle and drunk from it before handing it over to the lady.

''Happy now?'' Ozge lifted her brows at her.

''Mm, now let's go''

Ozge got into the backseat as she spoke, ''send me to my apartment''

''Hey! do you think I am your driver? I blame myself for coming to pick your a*s up from prison'' her friend said.

Ozge got down from the car and entered the front seat.

''That's more like it'' the lady said and Ozge smiled.

'Ozge, my husband and I got you a new apartment. Don't worry, it is closer to the hospital. You won't have to even pick a taxi. It's just a few minutes' walk from the hospital''

''Leyla, what happened to my old apartment?''

''You know… after you went to prison, the landlady called and asked me to terminate the contract. She packed all your stuff outside so my husband and I had to go and pick them up. But, I got the full amount, including deposit and rent''

''At least you are good for something''

Leyla smiled as she drove out of the women's correctional institute.

''Right, someone wants to meet you. He asked me to bring you to him right away''

''What does he want again? Didn't they want me to disappear?''

''Technically, he is innocent, right? he asked you to not let out the secret and what happened with you and Logan are two different things. He wants to help because of aunt''

''Because of aunt?'' Ozge smirked.

''I already got you a change of clothes, you can't wear this to meet him. Also, guess what?''


''We are getting a new director. Apparently, he is the grandson of Han Ferit, your former boss…'' Leyla froze when Ozge gave her a stern look.

''Sorry, I said the wrong thing''

Ozge relaxed on the seat and closed her eyes.


Ever Restaurant.

''Eat a lot of meat, Ozge. You've lost weight''

''I weigh 75kg, I don't have a problem with my weight'' Ozge replied.

''You can just accept it and say thank you. Why are you such a party pooper? Uncle, thank you for inviting her. This girl… doesn't really know how to relay her feelings. In her heart, she is actually glad that you reached out to her''

Ozge wanted to roll her eyes when she heard Leyla's speech. She continued to eat her food quietly.

''I got a place for you at Almendez family Hospital, but considering your past they said you can only start at the Emergency ward. After a while, you will naturally be transferred back to the Neurological Department where you belong. One more thing, Logan is working at Hospital, so you might run into each other''

Bang! Ozge hit her chopsticks on the table.

''Oh my ancestor! Did you have to bang the chopsticks that way?'' Leyla touched her racing heart.

Ozge suddenly busted into laughter. She laughed for a long time, making Leyla and Uncle Den a little weary.

Den Urich, an ex-husband of Ozge's late aunt.

Ozge sniffed and picked the chopsticks again and started eating.

''Ozge, are you alright?''

''Uncle, I hope you warned him in advance that I will be working there? If you haven't, then tell him this, 'stay away from Ozge or it won't just end with pouring hot water over his body', Leyla, make sure to tell him my exact words''

''Oo, yes''

''I just lost my appetite. I want to go home and shower'' Ozge said and stood up. She had changed into the pair of jeans pants and blue blouse with the brown jacket.

''Ozge, remember what I always tell you. Don't act rash. Please, I hope that you can make good use of this opportunity that you've gotten. If possible, be as unnoticeable as possible''

''Thank you, uncle Den'' Ozge said and walked out of the private room.

''Uncle, don't worry. Since my husband and I are both working at the emergency, we will take care of Ozge for you'' Leyla said and stood up, she picked her bag and rushed out after Ozge.

Ozge walked out of the washroom shaking the water in her hands off. She slowed down when she saw a little girl running towards her. since she was still at the door, Ozge stepped aside, thinking that the girl was going to the washroom but what the girl did next shocked her.

''Mommy, Mommy, you are finally here?''

Ozge's body turned cold. She looked around and didn't see anyone. The little girl was hugging her leg as she sobbed.

''Hey, are you alright?'' Ozge said softly but her actions were awkward and uncertain.

''Mommy, why did you leave me alone? I thought you loved me the most?'' the little girl did not only refuse to let go but she now hugged both of Ozge's legs tightly.

''Mom… Mommy?'' Leyla looked shocked as she watched the scene from a distance.

Ozge sighed, with an unpleasant look on her face. She tried to shake the child off but she refused to let go.

''Please Mommy, don't leave me alone​. I missed you so much, mommy''

''Ozge, where did this child come from? How come I didn't know you already had a child that is this old?''

''Hey! I don't know her. I just came out of the washroom and she… she came to me, calling me her mother''

''Ozge, maybe you gave birth to her but just forgot about it. Like in the dramas, the female lead can lose some memories of her past…''

Ozge looked at Leyla with a sharp gaze. ''For someone with such IQ and EQ, I seriously wonder how you passed the medical exams to become an emergency room nurse''

''Amanda, where did she go to?''

''The boss will be so angry if he finds out that we lost her''

''She was just here right now, where did she go?''

Three different voices could be heard from the corner, behind Leyla.

Ozge looked at the girl and said, ''looks like they are looking for you? Did you run away?''

''Little Miss, I found her'' one of the men said loudly as he hurried towards Ozge and the little girl.

''Is she with you?'' Ozge asked the men.

''Yes, Little Miss why did you suddenly disappear? We looked for you everywhere''

''You didn't look for her here'' Ozge said and the men became quiet. She looked at the little girl and asked, ''little girl, do you know these men?''

The girl shook her head and replied, ''I don't know them. Please mommy, don't let them take me away''

''Little Miss…'' the leader of the men became tongue tight. They didn't know the young Miss could betray them at the most crucial moment.

''Are you child traffickers? Let me tell you, I will not allow you to take this little girl away unless you prove that you know her'' Leyla stood next to Ozge and said.

''Miss, this is the daughter of our boss. She is called Amanda. She came with her aunt to eat but her aunt got an emergency at the hospital and left first. She ordered us to bring her home''

''Explain that to the police'' Ozge said and stretched her hand towards Leyla, ''give me your phone''

''Miss, what are you going to do with the phone? You are not going to call the police, right?''

''I am indeed calling the police. Let them decide whether you are good people or not''


City Y police station.

Ozge sat on the chair, playing with her phone while the little girl sat beside her. The girl never took her eyes off Ozge and kept looking at her with a warm gaze.

''Do you have something to say?'' Ozge asked the girl.


''Don't! You know very well that I am not your mother. Stop acting already, I know you are lying'' Ozge glared at her.

Amanda smirked and got down from the chair. She stretched her hand and beckoned on Ozge to lean closer. She stepped closer and whispered into her ears.

''I can turn you into my mom if I want to. It is better than allowing that witch to marry my father''