Don't hold hands and cause a misunderstanding...

''You are so quick tempered. Why did you have to pick a fight with him?''

''I couldn't watch him keep disrespecting you. What is wrong with him? How could he be so blind? It obvious that lady was trying to fool everyone and make you look bad''

''Since little, you have always avoided fights. I was the one who used to fight for you and protect you. Because you grew up a little slower than peers your age, aunt was always worried about you getting bullied so I had to step up and protect you. You are the most precious family I have and I don't want to see you get hurt. Especially not because of me''

''Now you want to act like my older sister? It's too late. You should have listened to me and not date that trash. I warned you so many times but you were so blind in love''

''Aye…'' Ozge looked at Adams and smiled. she was disinfecting his knuckles.

''How is your relationship with the Director going?''