A tense atmosphere

Azra smiled and looked at Hadid, asking, 'tell me. What are you doing here? Did you come back to look for me?''

''I work here''

''Huh? You… you work here?'' Azra looked at him with surprise.

''What do you think?'' Hadid asked, raising his brows.

Azra turned her face and gave a victorious smirk. ''That's great!''

''What did you say?'' Hadid asked and Azra looked at him and shook her head.

''Nothing, I didn't say anything. so, what is your name?''


''Tell me, why do you look sad?''

''Aye… the hospital isn't safe anymore. We had a new director and he is already changing things. He sent all the people I feel comfortable working with to other departments. I am the only one left in the ER''

''So, you are sad because you are going to be the one working in the ER?''

''Mm, let me let you in on something, the new director is weird. I don't like him''

''Then, leave this place''