If I kiss you, does it been we are in relationship?

''Maa, it's so scary'' Azra jumped and half of her body sat on Hadid's legs. She hugged him tightly and closed her eyes.

Hadid looked at her and his gaze darkened. His throat throbbed up and down excitedly and his heart started beating fast.

Azra calmed down and looked at him. Her face was red and she blushed. She tried to slip down but Hadid suddenly wrapped his arm around her waist and looked at her.

''Have you thought about it yet?'' Hadid asked.


''Being with me. Have you thought it true or do I have to prove myself more?'' Hadid asked again.

Azra's hand moved down his neck to his chest and she could feel his heart beating fast. She looked at him and bit her lips.

''Would you be my girlfriend?''


''Or we can get married. Whichever way you want it''

''Huh?'' Azra flushed and she leaned closer to him and asked, ''if I kiss you. Does that mean we are in a relationship?''