Nano helps Harry

Adams ran towards the entrance of the Operation room as Leyla tried to stop him. she got tired and looked on.

When the doors of the Operation room opened and Logan stepped out, Adams punched him. he attacked Logan as he fell to the floor.

''What are you doing, Dr. Adams?'' Dr. Thelma shouted and Ferit hurried over and pulled Adams aside.

''You two murderers. I saw everything. You could have done something but you watched him till he died'' Adams cursed out as Ferit pulled him aside.

Logan stood up and wiped the blood from his lips and spoke. ''I understand your feelings but there was really nothing we could do''

''What? You son of a bitch!'' Adams yelled as Ferit pulled him away with Leyla.

Fiona was standing a distance away watching them. She exchanged a knowing gaze with Logan and Dr. Thelma and turned to look at Ferit pulling Adams away.


''Calm down Adams'' Ferit said when they entered his office.