You reap what you sow!

Ferit rushed into the bedroom and hugged Ozge tightly. Letting out a sigh of relief, he kept hugging her tightly.

''Ozge, thank you. Thank you for coming back to me''

Ozge smiled and wrapped her arms around him saying, ''I surely missed you but my body isn't so strong. You are hugging me too tight, Ferit''

Ferit let go and smiled. ''I'm sorry. I am just so happy''

''I know''

''Daddy, I'm still here'' Amanda said and Ferit and Ozge turned to look at her.

''My baby girl, come to mommy'' Ozge stretched her hands and Amanda climbed on the bed to her.


At the hall, Amanda sat between Ferit and Ozge as they chatted with Leyla, Adams and Azra who had come to visit.

''How do you feel, Ozge?'' Leyla asked.

''I'm fine, I'm sorry for making everyone worried''

''Why are you sorry? You are the one who got hurt'' Azra said to Ozge.