Life aftermath

Demit smiled bitterly and shook her head saying, ''I'm sorry, grandpa. Dr. Patricia, I'm sorry'' Demit said before she fell down. Everyone's soul almost left them as they watched on. Grandpa Suwait and Hermes ran to the wall and looked down as Demit fell.

Demit's body fell down, right in front of those that were there. It was a shocked scene that was going to remain in the minds of people for a long time.

Leyla held her stomach and wanted to vomit when she saw the scene. She tried to hold it in and Azra collapsed in front of her.

A while later, the hospital team came out and picked Demit's body away to the mongue. Old Suwait kept looking at the scene. He was shocked and didn't know how to react. His only family was now gone. He felt that he had failed in bringing up Demit. He failed her right till her death.


Funeral home.