I came back to my senses

''Alright, I will stop. But I just can't stop laughing, Desmond. Your words just now… I see why Johanna is in love with you. You are handsome and have a tongue that speaks well. I have to go back to work now''

''Act like you didn't hear anything. I don't want Johanna to be embarrassed'' Desmond said as he followed Amanda out. When they got to the hall, they didn't see Johanna.

''Where is Johanna?''

''She must have ran away already'' Amanda said and laughed.

''It's not funny. I'm going to look for my girlfriend'' Desmond said and ran out of the house.


Xuimin City…

Leo threw the tablet away and stood up. He tussled his hair. His facial expression showed that he was quite angry. He turned to the door when he heard a knock.

''Come in''

Luna walked into the office with some documents. She was wearing her lab coat. ''Leo, I need your signature on some documents''