It feels real now

''She has a fever caused by stress. Has she being under a lot of stress lately?'' the doctor asked Leslie after he was done treating and putting Georgia under medication and drips.

''Stress? I don't think so but we've been busy at the lab recently. Georgia is usually a strong girl''

''She is your girlfriend, you should pay attention to her more. She is obviously fatigued about something. Are you two… having problems in your relationship?''

''No, no. We… we are good. Doctor, thank you. I will pay more attention to her'' Leslie said and looked at Georgia.

''Then, I will take my leave now'' the doctor said and picked his bag, leaving the room. Leslie followed him to the door and closed it before going back to Georgia's room.

''Why is he so nosy?'' Georgia asked when Leslie entered.

''You weren't sleeping?'' Leslie went closer and sat on the bed.

''I was but the doctor was too loud''