Failing the exam together...

Johanna rushed into the hostel rubbing her hands together. The winter wind was bringing in a lot of cold, coupled with the early snow.

After taking of her winter sweater and scarf, Johanna hanged them on the hanger before turning to look at Georgia.

''You are back?'' Georgia said as she turned to look at Johanna.

''Mm, what did the doctor say when you went to the hospital?'' Johanna asked.

Georgia became silent for a while before handing a paper over to Johanna.

''What is this?'' Johanna asked as she opened it. Her eyes almost popped out when she saw the results in her hands.

''I'm four weeks pregnant, Ana''

''Gia…'' Johanna hugged Georgia tightly saying, ''this… are you alright?''

''I'm fine but, I don't know what to do. I'm confused, Ana''

''Gia…'' Johanna hugged Georgia as she wept.

''I don't know what to do, Ana. What do I do?''