We are going to keep the baby...

''Relax, I am here as your nurse. While we are in the hospital, I am not your mother in law. When we are home, I will be gentle to you'' Leyla said and touched Georgia's hair affectionately.


Leyla poured the soup into a bowl and Leslie quickly took it saying, ''mum, I will do it''

''Whoa! He is so cheesy and making me feel bad. I won't scold her anymore''

''I know mum''

''Aunt, uncle'' the door opened and Luna, Desmond and Johanna came in.

''You are all here?'' Adams said and smiled.

''Yes, we came to see how Gia is doing'' Luna placed the basket of fruits down.

''Gia, how do you feel?'' Johanna hugged Georgia as she asked.

''I'm fine, I'm sorry for making all of you worried''

''You should apologize. We couldn't stop worrying after you and Leslie left like that. But, it's good that you are better'' Luna said as she hugged Georgia.